Payout :$-100
Gender :Male , Female
State :California
Published :2014 Jan 27

$100 Focus Group - HOUSEWIVES NEEDED for a Los Angeles Focus Group.
We are looking HOUSEWIVES between the ages of 19 and 39 who have purchased a smartphone in past 3 month and are daily users of networking sites. Being Tech Savvy is a plus.

The focus groups last 2 hours and you will receive $100. To participate please click on the link, answer the questions, submit them and call me. 1-800-737-5390 x 51

Leave me your name and number letting me know that you sent your questionnaire for the Social Media Study. I will call you for scheduling.

Thank you.

Marshia Dodds, Owner/Director
1-800-737-5390 x 51 OR 419-754-3144