Payout :$-300
Gender :Male , Female
State :Illinois
Published :2014 Aug 12

Generation Study for Children and Gen Y

Project Overview

Researchers would like to speak with younger men and women in Chicago/LA about their interests, passions, goals, and experiences. The purpose of this research is to create a larger understanding of this generation's attitudes and views of their community, career, and their place in the world. This is a colloborate research project with creative exercises and activities.

There are two age groups the researchers would like to speak with:

Boys/girls aged 13 - 18
Men women aged 23 - 28
If you are a parent of a child 13 - 18, please fill out the application with them. Use the parent's contact information for the project.


Research will be conducted in TWO formats. Participants can only take part in one format:
3 hour In-home Interviews + Journal Activity
2.5 hours Group Discussions

CHICAGO: 8/26-29 + 9/10-11

Greater Chicago, Greater Los Angeles


Compensation depends on age and research format:

In-home Interviews + Journals

Age 13-18: $250
Age 23-28: $300
Group Discussions

Age 13-18: $125
Age 23-28: $150