Payout :$-200
Gender :Male , Female
State :Illinois
Published :2014 Aug 18

Participate in a Cooking Study

We are a research company looking for people to participate in a study about cooking. It will be fun, but will require about 5-6 hours of your time. Specifically, this is what you will be asked to do:

1. First, you will have a quick 5-minute "face-to-face" chat online via a system like Skype, to ensure your camera and mic work well.
2. Then, you will be interviewed, face-to-face on a webcam (like Skype) for 1 hour
3. You will be asked to cook 2 meals: one using a product we will mail you, and another from a product you'll pick up at the store. You'll record your experience with pictures and a diary, and email those back to us. (You'll have about a week to cook both meals)
4. And finally, you will be interviewed again, face to face online for 1hr to talk about how it went.

The study pays $200, but requires you to complete all four steps for payment. It should be a fun study and we are looking for your honest opinions and experiences.