Payout :$-30
Gender :Male , Female
State :Nationwide
Published :2014 Mar 14

If you have been diagnosed with Hepatitis C, we would like you to complete a web-based survey, at your convenience, during the next few months. The interviews will last for no more than about thirty minutes–you will be paid a cash honorarium of $30, each time, as a thank-you for taking the time to participate. YOU MAY LIVE ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES, AS THIS IS A WEB-BASED INTERVIEW!

Please respond, as soon as possible. We have only 65 spots left to fill.

I assure you that this is not a sales presentation, of any sort–this is strictly opinion research. We are interested in learning about your day-to-day challenges and the journey you have been on.

Thank you,
David Leonard
pfc Opinion Research
New York, NY

[email protected]