Payout :$-75
Gender :Male , Female
State :Nationwide
Published :2014 Jun 25

Fun Survey Opportunity


Fun Survey Opportunity! Spots will be filled on a first come, first serve basis, so sign up today!

Who: Men and Women, 18 and up

What: Online Health and Wellness Study

Where: Nation-wide

Pay: Qualified participants will receive either:

-$30 Gift Card for completing a survey series that will take about 30-45 minutes


-$75 money order for completing a 1 hour in-person interview with a trained Smart Revenue moderator

Fill out this pre-qualification survey to see if you qualify (click the link below, or cut and paste it directly into your web browser):

If you qualify, we will contact you by email or phone within the next month. We will not contact everyone. Filling out the pre-qualification surveys above does not guarantee participation.

While you can feel free to share this opportunity with friends and family, we ask that only one person per household complete these surveys, and that they do so only once.

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SmartRevenue is an international market research company that conducts focus groups and individual in-store, in-home, and online market research interviews. Our studies are carried out to the highest standards. Please visit our website for more information about the company: