Payout :$-300
Gender :Male , Female
State :Nationwide
Published :2014 May 16

Lifestyle Panel 21-29

Thank you for your interest in joining this exclusive research panel! This application takes ~5 minutes to complete.

About the CREW Panel

Are you an “Expert on Now”? We are looking for men aged 21-29 to tell us how you see the world and yourself. Whether you describe yourself as modern, traditional, sophisticated or conservative, we want to hear from you!

We want to offer you the opportunity to join our exclusive community of influential young men: CREW

As a member of CREW, you will:

Participate in activities about everything including technology, sports, travel, music, style, cars, gaming & more
Have influence on the direction of global companies, their brands & new products across all industries
Interact with others with similar interests, collectively shaping the world you live in
Learn about the latest trends and gain exclusive access to unique prizes and special events
And most importantly - teach us about what is essential to you!

The CREW Panel is an ongoing community. Members will be invited to participate in discussion forums, upload photos/videos, or even in-person focus groups and interviews. Participants MUST have a Facebook account and sign up for the private CREW facebook group to participate.


The CREW Panel will be an ongoing engagement that will span for at least a year, if not longer. You may be invited to several activities each month, but will be able to specify how often you would like to be contacted for activities.


The majority of activities will be conducted online via discussion forum. In some cases, members may be invited to in-person sessions such as focus groups and interviews.


Members have the opportunity to earn cash rewards up to $300 per project as well as the chance to earn tickets to exclusive events such as sports matches and concerts.