Payout :$-125
Gender :Male , Female
State :Nationwide
Published :2014 Mar 21

I work for a company called MedQuery, Inc. My company is hired by pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers of medical devices to assist them with their research, whether it be in the development of new medications, educational materials or surgical equipment.

I am currently working on 2 studies involving Cancer patients - Stage 4 Kidney Cancer and Cervical Cancer (all stages). The objective of these studies is to better understand the diagnosis and treatment experience and the resources that are available today. By hearing these patients stories and experiences dealing with Cancer, it will make it possible for our client to improve the state of care for the patients treatment. These studies are STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and will not be shared with any 3rd parties. All participants contributions will be held in confidence and there will be no follow-up attempt to sell you anything.

The interviews will be conducted over the telephone and will last 60 minutes. To thank you for your time and valuable opinions we will be paying a VERY generous honorarium. Like I mentioned, any information that you share is strictly confidential, the end client will ONLY know your name. This is a great opportunity to share your Cancer journey with someone who can actually take the information you provide and develop new materials and treatments based on it – you would be a crucial piece of the puzzle and truly make a difference.

If you are interested in participating or just want some additional information, please respond to this e-mail with the following information:

-your name
-your phone number
-type of cancer
-stage of cancer
-the year you were diagnosed

Or, feel free to call me at 312.698.4391.

Thank you so much for reading this! I am looking forward to speaking with you.