Payout :$-100
Gender :Male , Female
State :Nationwide
Published :2014 Apr 08

Hi Everyone, my name is Sari and I work for a medical market research company called MedQuery ( We are hired by pharmaceutical companies and manufactures of medical devices to assist them with medical research. We currently have a paid study for Type 2 Diabetics who WERE once on a fast acting insulin but have STOPPED and are no longer taking a fast acting insulin.

The study is STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and will not be shared with any 3rd parties. There is no sales or marketing involved, there will be no follow-up calls. This research is to benefit patients with Type 2 Diabetes, there are no hidden agendas here! Interviews will be conducted over the telephone and will last 45 minutes. To thank you for your time and valuable opinions we will be paying an honorarium of $100. If you or someone you know has Type 2 Diabetes, WERE on fast acting insulin but have STOPPED, please respond to this post and answer the following questions. Or call Isaac at 312.267.0710. Thank you so much for your time.

Phone Number
How long were you on a fast acting insulin
When did you stop taking fast acting insulin
Name of fast acting insulin