Payout :$-40
Gender :Male , Female
State :New York
Published :2014 Nov 11

Focus Group Among Transwomen

Columbia Medical Center and Project ACHIEVE are doing a research study that involves focus groups to help us understand how much people like you know about HIV vaccine research so that we can design better materials to recruit into our HIV vaccine studies.

We are looking for HIV-negative transwomen ages 18-55 years old.

Your answers to these questions will determine if you are eligible for the focus group.

If you are eligible and decide to take part, you will receive $40 and 2-way MetroCard for a one-time focus group in our research clinic. Food and drinks will also be provided. If you are eligible, we will explain the entire process to you and you will need to sign a consent form when you come in for your visit. You will need to bring a picture ID with your date of birth listed with you.