Payout :$-220
Gender :Male , Female
State :New York
Published :2014 Oct 13

Has your child been hospitalized for hearing voices?

Has your child reported:
1) Feeling she or he may be able to read minds or have his/her mind read?
2) Worrying about being watched or feeling mistrustful of people?
3) Hearing things that others do not seem to hear?
4) Seeing shadows or vague figures?
5) Isolating from peers, friends, or family?

The Social Neuroscience and Psychopathology lab at Harvard University is enrolling children ages 8-13 in a study exploring how the brain processes social situations and how this relates to children's experiences of the world around them and their social relationships.

The study involves 2 parts:
1) A 3-4 hour behavioral session that includes questionnaires and interviews with a researcher.
2) A one-hour long brain scan during which your child will be asked to do some simple tasks

The first part of the study takes place in Manhattan! The second part is in Boston, any travel costs would be compensated!

The family is compensated $10/hour and the child receives gift cards ($10/hour) for the first part. The family is compensated $25/hour and the child receives gift cards ($25/hour) for the scan.

To learn more about participating please call Sarah Hope Lincoln at 559-904-4431 or email [email protected]